Missy Medcalf

Missy Medcalf



Additional Credentials

  • Licensed Dyslexia Therapist #1827
    Certified Academic Language Therapist #53032546
    Educational Diagnostician

My Philosophy

I am driven to provide the intervention and literacy support that students need to become efficient and effective readers because I have raised a child with dyslexia. I began as a classroom teacher, but I quickly learned that students with academic struggles experienced more encompassing difficulties beyond poor grades. I attended the Language Therapist training program at Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children in Dallas and received certification as an Academic Language Therapist. This allowed me to teach students not only to read, but to understand their weakness, advocate for themselves, and work through their challenges. In order to fortify my ability to identify strengths and weaknesses, I went on to obtain a master’s degree in Special Education as an Educational Diagnostician. Being able to identify strengths and weaknesses is foundational to providing instruction in a way that students can experience success.

● College Students ● Adolescents ● Children

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